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Olivier Toussaint, PhD

Contact and information
Béatrice Rayet, PhD
LINK-AGE deputy coordinator
The University of Namur
URBC - 61, rue de Bruxelles
B-5000 Namur - Belgium
Tel: * 32 (0) 81 72 41 07
Fax: * 32 (0) 81 72 41 35

LINK-AGE : coordination and consolidation of European biogerontology: en route towards formation of a European college of biogerontology


LINK-AGE is made of an ensemble of work packages aiming at coordinating ageing research in Europe through several actions. First months are dedicated to the establishment of a working structure including all full and associate members; the organisation of research working groups of different ageing thematic and the launching of the web site for information dissemination through internet.

A annual LINK-AGE conference will be run to highlight current biogerontology research within Europe where early-stage researchers and those from disadvantaged regions will have the opportunity to enter the field of ageing research.

The summer schools will deliver state-of-the-art instruction in biogerontology research and give participants greater confidence and ability to undertake research in this field. It will also deliver the experience of belonging to a group of peers working towards the same objective.

Exchange visit program will be another way for researchers to discover other laboratories and new techniques in different cultural environment.

It is hoped that LINK-AGE will lead to the implementation of a longer-term structure to develop further the coordination of ageing and longevity research within Europe, ideally first as European College of Biogerontology, en route to some kind of European Institute on Ageing. In this event, the Completion Phase will include preparation for such evolution. In any case, it is expected that upon completion LINK-AGE will have defined the platform upon which future initiatives can build.

Graphical representation of the structure