Ageing demography


Olivier Toussaint, PhD

Contact and information
Béatrice Rayet, PhD
LINK-AGE deputy coordinator
The University of Namur
URBC - 61, rue de Bruxelles
B-5000 Namur - Belgium
Tel: * 32 (0) 81 72 41 07
Fax: * 32 (0) 81 72 41 35

LINK-AGE : coordination and consolidation of European biogerontology: en route towards formation of a European college of biogerontology


The LINK-AGE structure will minimize administrative complexity/cost and ensure transparency in its structures and working, to provide maximum effective support for LINK-AGE ’s Coordination Activities as defined by the Workpackages. The Steering Committee will have executive responsibility for the project and ultimate responsibility for all decisions. The Coordinator will implement its decisions and employ a Project Manager to carry this out on a day-to-day basis. The Steering Committee will be guided in scientific priority setting by the Scientific Council.